About Me

Melbourne, Australia
I am married with no kids but I do have a cat. I like to spend my time swimming, cycling and being around the house. My new interest is gardening which should be interesting given the water restrictions here.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Its a start

Today hubby moved the clothes line, this means I can finally get my lime tree. Lucky, given the 47 degree day the other week, we didn't put it in earlier. Fresh limes for cooking are my aim. I cant believe how expensive they are to buy here.
Frame for the vege garden is the next job for him. Then winter veges here we come.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps that hubby of yours could come over here and work on my garden? Easier digging due to wet and cool temps this summer. Tho I do have a new flattie who has already planted some veges.
