About Me

Melbourne, Australia
I am married with no kids but I do have a cat. I like to spend my time swimming, cycling and being around the house. My new interest is gardening which should be interesting given the water restrictions here.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

WA trip Oct/Nov 07

Trip north with Jo and Rob to Kalbarri, Exmouth and Coral Bay.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Went on holiday

Had a fantastic break in WA best snorkeling in the world. Forgot my camera so we had to take the photos with the iphone, they came out great

Some photos to peek at

Monday, November 16, 2009

It's been a while since I have updated this the garden has grown, trying to water only a little bit however I realise if I dont do it properly now then they want be so "drought tolerant" in the future. Had some great bulbs come up, which was really nice.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Just finished 16 days of MIFF. I love the fact that everything I liked was not mentioned in the reviews and a couple I didnt like were! The Age

Not sure how many films I went to, I saw at least 2 a day ... standouts Troubled Water, Silent Wedding, Milk of Sorrow, Skirt day, Rough Aunties, Tears for Sale and of course Bran Nue Dae

Now back to normal, home at night which will be very nice.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I have had to water the garden this month, despite the fact it is winter and we should have more than enough for the garden to establish itself. Lucky there is plenty of rain water in the tanks for me to use. I am loving the Elders weather website - it is so easy to use.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Picked some bok choy last night and had it in the stir fry. I found it funny that I spent so much time making sure that there were no grubs on the leaves, much more than I spend washing veges normally when the slugs are probably less harmful than the bugs I can not see! My beetroot is not growing very well, maybe I am giving it too much care.

I am keeping a sharp look out for Rubarb, I need that in the garden. The herbs are looking good, adding them fresh into the stirfry was good, but need coriander. I should just bite the bullet and plant it in the courtyard. maybe this weekend.

Funnily enough the biggest bug in the garden is the cat, she things everything in the vege patch should even be eaten, or worse still laid on.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I went to Poynton's for a Crepe Myrtle and came away with 30 plants oops. All in the ground now. That is it until spring.

It has been a while, I have spent the last few months putting everything in to garden according to the plan that I have. It is very exciting, most plants are tube stock so very small. They are growing, however I keep looking everyday so really it seems like a slow process

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Its a start

Today hubby moved the clothes line, this means I can finally get my lime tree. Lucky, given the 47 degree day the other week, we didn't put it in earlier. Fresh limes for cooking are my aim. I cant believe how expensive they are to buy here.
Frame for the vege garden is the next job for him. Then winter veges here we come.